If you want to succeed in your studies, then studying is your best bet. Whether you’re in medical school or high school, or pursuing any other kind of education, it’s vital to put in the effort and work hard. Don’t rely on luck or chance to get you through – the only way to pass with flying colours is to hit the books and study hard. So, make sure you prioritize your studies and give it your all!

The Feynman Technique
The Feynman routine was invented by a physicist Dr. Richard Feynman who created this way of understanding and memorizing a concept or topic by simplifying it so that anyone can understand.

To make it simple this involves first getting to learn what you are trying to study
and once you know the topic you “dumb it down” as if you were trying to explain it to someone
who is not in the same field of study as you are. While this method on its own won’t help you
understand the information you are reading from a textbook, it is a great method to be able to
remember something that you have learned by having an alternate memory in your head when
you go to take the test.
The Pomodoro Technique
This one is a valuable studying technique that can really make a huge difference in the amount of studying you can get done within a day.

The main idea of this strategy is instead of studying for hours on end, try studying for 25 minutes on and 5 minutes off, or 50 minutes on and 10 minutes off. During your breaks, it’s important to avoid looking at your phone or engaging in other activities that could distract you from your studies. Instead, try taking a break to look out the window or do a bit of organizing to clear your mind and recharge your batteries. This way, you’ll be able to stay focused and motivated throughout your study sessions without feeling mentally drained.
Active Recall
This one is a make or break for most classes as passive studying, such as reading the textbook or rewriting notes is simply not enough for many courses that you will take. One effective way to assess your learning progress is through active recall.
This technique involves testing your knowledge and identifying areas where you may be struggling. By tracing back to your mistakes, you can determine what needs to be improved and focus on those areas to enhance your overall understanding.

So, some examples of active recalls would be things like flashcards, Anki, past paper questions, and worksheets. Active recall is one of the study methods that require the most effort and motivation, so it is best to work your way up and perfect your study routine to get into active recall.
Memorization curve
The memorization curve in basic terms is how long you retain information after learning it and as time goes by you begin to forget. Even if you study a topic well in advance before the test you will start to forget the information as time goes by.

The best way around this is to utilize the forgetting curve by restudying what you have already learned to keep your knowledge up to date. The best way to do this is to go back to your notes after a certain period of time (let’s say 2 weeks) and revise them to refresh your memory. By doing this, you’ll be able to better retain the information and have a better understanding of the material over time.
Memorization, Mnemonics, and Mind Maps
For large and or confusing topics to remember this is where mnemonics and mind maps come in.

This can come in many forms as a guide to store information such as acronyms, short, encoded sentences, and linking information together in your head so that it makes logical sense. By making a 2D diagram in your head you can store information efficiently rather than just list them out as bullet points which creates a web of information that is all intertwined so that it creates a more robust pathway to access the information during the test.
Study What You Don’t Know
One great tip for studying is to tackle the difficult topics first rather than the ones you already know. It takes determination and motivation to do so, but it’s definitely worth it. If your professor keeps going over a certain topic in class, it’s likely that it will show up on the exam and carry a lot of weight in terms of your grade.

Based on my experience from College, the exams are usually always on the harder-to-understand topic or at least worth a good 25% of the total exam weight.
Schedule it in
Creating a study schedule can be an effective way to ensure that you make time for studying and get your work done. It’s important to view studying as a regular part of being a student rather than as a chore or an add-on to your other responsibilities.

By setting aside specific times for studying, you can make the learning process more enjoyable and less stressful. For example, you might decide to study for an hour after class each day before taking a break. This can help you stay focused and avoid procrastination. Remember, everyone’s schedule is different, so it’s important to find a routine that works best for you.
Self-Care, eat Well and Focus on Mental Health
As a student, taking care of yourself should be your number one priority. Your physical and mental well-being play a crucial role in your ability to focus and succeed in your studies.

This means focusing on yourself from time to time, eating healthy and exercising. Everything needs to be in moderation, and school is no exception. To be successful, you need to be able to draw boundaries and to separate your personal life from your work life so that you can have an overall well-being.
Don’t forget that everyone is different, and what works for some may not work for others. It’s essential to stay flexible and open to trying new things to find what works best for you. I wish you all the best of luck as you begin the new school year!
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